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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 January 2010: #2 Team Building Challenge - Debrief (II) Personal Reflection

1)I understood that ‘Forging Excellence’ is about bringing in excellence into me and do my best regarding any situations. We have to work with determination and perseverance. That is what I understand about the school value, “ Forging excellence”.
2)Collaboration, not being a loner, and workmanship are the strengths which help me bond with the class and help me to achieve excellence. I do hope I practice many good qualities those would eventually become my strength.
3)I think I must try to be confident to be an outspoker and not try to keep my ideas to myself. The reason why I am keeping my ideas to myself is I am afraid my group mates do not agree to it. I will try to stop this habit as soon as I can.
4)I will try to give in as much ideas as I can to my class and I will participate with great anticipation. I will try to give my best shot.